
2023.03.12 - AYB - Reading time ~4 Minutes


By the end of spring 2022 I got that feeling that I’m running the same loop for years without gaining any value for my life. The feeling of the permanent Groundhog Day was getting even worse because I’ve moved from Russia to Israel 5 years before and Israel is located at the climate zone where winter differs from summer with just a 15 degree less and a bit of rain. So I’ve got the same picture around me year-around hence life started looking even more pointless.

So at first I thought that I’ve just burned out and need a rest. I’ve started planning a really long great motorcycle trip over the Europe that was I dreaming for for years but never had an option to have it. Didn’t want to make it partially tho.

I found that I accumulated over 6 weeks of vacation at work, plus “sick days”, plus some other free days because of overtime work, so I decided to took all of them at once and make it.

After arranging all the stuff with the management I’ve started my journey at the end of the August 2022 and was happily driving all over the Europe for almost a month. Seen a whole lot of beautiful places, met old and new friends, and all that stuff.

At September 15 I had to drive from one point in France to another through a little corner of Switzerland. It was a misty morning with low clouds but the weather wasn’t bad, just wet. So I was riding these beautiful roads in a very slow an calm manner — there were nowhere to rush, I was just enjoying my ride looking around. But at some moment I’ve turned my head to see something for a second, got that feel of losing grip and turned head back just to find out that in a fraction of a second I’m going to fly out of the road to the abyss.

I ended up in a Swiss hospital with quite severe injuries and several broken bones. Next thing to find out was that my Ultra Super Platinum Stupid Expensive insurance doesn’t work in three countries on an European continent: Albania, Macedonia and damn it — Switzerland. I’ve rode 6500+ kilometers over the Europe to crash exactly at the 22km part of the route going through Switzerland.

So I’ve asked doctors to bind everything got lose to the body, supply me with painkillers and evaquated back to Israel to have medical service there.

I’ve got a plenty of time to think my question about life universe and everything.

From the first day of my labor life I’ve been working with computer systems. Started as an “any-key support” and now I’m somewhere around from DevOps Team-Lead to CTO. And I found all of this pointless. Not completely — it’s good honest job, apparently well-paid — just I see no big reason to myself besides the salary of doing it anymore.

For a long time I’ve been dreaming about buying an airplane and fly. But during my recovery time I realised that I won’t make it. I can’t live in airplane. And prior to an airplane I need to have a house to live in. And if I’m going to be a «flying nomad» then I need to live somewhere anyway, and pay for parking of my plane. So, simple calculations presented me with the $35000-55000 dollars a year as a cost of living, maintenance, parking and refuelling the plane with the projected mileage of 15000/year with 500miles of average flight.
That’s too much for me.

Looking around for more affordable alternatives to flying ended up with the decision to blow up all my life with the idea of getting a boat, move my life to it and start from the scratch.

Recently I’ve got my lowest grade of skiper license and now I’m searching for my first boat to hop in.

Here it starts.
